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Exporting Good Governance

Temptations and Challenges in Canada’s Aid Program

Edited by Jennifer Welsh & Ngaire Woods
Series Studies in International Governance Hide Details
Paperback : 9781554580293, 336 pages, October 2007
Ebook (PDF) : 9781554581429, 336 pages, October 2007

Table of contents

Table of Contents for Exporting Good Governance: Temptations and Challenges in Canada’s Aid Program, edited by Jennifer Welsh and Ngaire Woods
Introduction | Jennifer Welsh and Ngaire Woods
The Changing Politics of Aid | Ngaire Woods
Focusing Aid on Good Governance: Can It Work? | Sue Unsworth
Boy Scouts and Fearful Angels: The Evolution of Canada’s International Good Governance Agenda | Ian Smillie
Supporting the State through Aid? The Case of Vietnam | Nilima Gulrajani
Assisting Civil Society through Aid: The Case of Bangladesh | Fahimul Quadir
The Benefits of an Indirect Approach: The Case of Ghana | Peter Arthur and David Black
Defence, Development, and Diplomacy: The Case of Afghanistan | Scott Gilmore and Janan Mosazai
The Perils of Changing Donor Priorities in Fragile States: The Case of Haiti | Robert Muggah
Astute Governance Promotion vs. Historical Conditions in Explaining Good Governance: The Case of Mauritius | Richard Sandbrook
Managing Canada’s Growing Development Co-operation: Out of the Labyrinth | Bernard Wood
Donor Coordination and Good Governance: Donor-led and Recipient-led Approaches | Paolo de Renzio and Sarah Mulley
Conclusion: Challenges and New Directions for Canada | Jennifer Welsh
Peter Arthur is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Dalhousie University. His research focuses on African political economy and development, and he has written a number of articles and papers on the multilateral trading system, private sector development, and the role of the small-scale sector in economic development.
David Black is Professor of Political Science and International Development Studies at Dalhousie University, and Chair of the Department of International Development Studies. His current research focuses on Canada and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Paolo de Renzio is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford University, and a Research Associate at the Overseas Development Institute, where he previously was a Research Fellow. He holds degrees from Bocconi University (Italy) and the London School of Economics, and has worked as an economist, lecturer, and consultant in Papua New Guinea and Mozambique.
Scott Gilmore is the Executive Director of Peace Dividend Trust, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to making peace and humanitarian operations more effective, efficient, and equitable. He was formerly a Canadian Foreign Service Officer. As Deputy Director for South Asia, from 2002 to 2004, he focused on the development of Canada’s diplomatic, defence, and development operations in Afghanistan.
Nilima Gurajani is a lecturer in the Department of Government and Development Studies Institute (DESTIN) at the London School of Economics. Her doctoral research (completed at Trinity College, Cambridge) examined management reforms in large aid agencies with operations in Bolivia and Vietnam.
Janan Mosazai was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. He worked for the BBC and the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) between 2001 and 2005. He immigrated to Canadainearly 2005, where he is currently pursuing a master’s degree in journalism atCarleton University in Ottawa.
Robert Muggah is at the University of Oxford and is research director of the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey. He works in several countries on post-conflict, security, and development issues, including Haiti, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Nepal, Uganda, Sudan, and Congo. He is the author of two forthcoming books, Relocation Failures: A Short History of Displacement and Resettlement in Sri Lanka (Zed Books) and Securing Protection (Routledge), as well as No Refuge: The Crisis of Refugee Militarization in Africa (Zed Books, 2006).
Sarah Mulley is Coordinator of the UK Aid Network, working with UK NGOs to improve their research, policy, and advocacy work on aid. She was previously a Research Associate at the Global Economic Governance Programme in Oxford, and a Senior Policy Analyst at the UK Treasury. She holds an M.Phil. in International Relations from Oxford University.
Fahimul Quadir is Associate Professor in the Division of Social Science at York University in Toronto. He is the director of York’s Graduate Program in Development Studies. He has recently published on governance, civil society, democratization, economic liberalization, and microfinance.
Richard Sandbrook, a professor of political science at the University of Toronto, has focused his recent research on the political economy of market reform, democratization, and neoliberal globalization. He has published numerous scholarly articles and ten books, including most recently Social Democracy in the Global Periphery: Origins, Challenges, Prospects (coauthor 2007); Civilizing Globalization: A Survival Guide (2003); and Closing the Circle: Democratization and Development in Africa (2000).
Ian Smillie was a founder of the Canadian NGO Inter Pares, and is a former Executive Director of CUSO. His most recent books are Managing for Change: Leadership, Strategy and Management in Asian NGOs (with John Hailey) and The Charity of Nations: Humanitarian Action in a Calculating World (with Larry Minear). He is currently Research Coordinator for Partnership Africa Canada’s “Diamonds and Human Security Project” and a participant in the forty-five-government Kimberley Process. He was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2003.
Sue Unsworth spent many years working as a development practitioner with dfid, latterly as Chief Governance Adviser. She is now a freelance consultant and a Research Associate with the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
Jennifer Welsh is Professor of International Relations at Oxford University and a Fellow of Somerville College. She is the author and editor of several works on International Relations theory and Canadian foreign policy, including most recently Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations and At Home in the World: Canada’s Global Vision for the 21st Century. In 2006 she was named a Trudeau Fellow, and is currently researching changing conceptions of sovereignty in international relations.
Bernard Wood heads his own international consulting firm, drawing on his long experience in development, political, and security affairs. He was the founding CEO of the North-South Institute, headed the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, and then the secretariat of the OECD/DAC in Paris. He was educated at Loyola College in Montreal and the School of International Affairs at Carleton University. He did doctoral work at the University of London and was a Fellow at Harvard University in 1992–93.
Ngaire Woods is Director of the Global Economic Governance Programme and Dean of Graduates at University College, Oxford University. She has written numerous articles on international institutions, globalization, and governance. Her most recent book is The Globalizers: the IMF, the World Bank and Their Borrowers. In 2005–6, Ngaire Woods served on a three-person panel to report to the IMF Board on the effectiveness of the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office. Since 2002 she has been an Adviser to the UNDP’s Human Development Report.


Can good governance be exported? International development assistance is more frequently being applied to strengthening governance in developing countries, and in Exporting Good Governance: Temptations and Challenges in Canada’s Aid Program, the editors bring together diverse perspectives to investigate whether aid for good governance works. The first section of the book outlines the changing face of international development assistance and ideas of good governance. The second section analyzes six nations: three are countries to which Canada has devoted a significant portion of its aid efforts over the past five to ten years: Ghana, Vietnam, and Bangladesh. Two are newer and more complex “fragile states,” where Canada has engaged: Haiti and Afghanistan. These five are then compared with Mauritius, which has enjoyed relatively good governance. The final section looks at challenges and new directions for Canadas development policy.
Co-published with the Centre for International Governance Innovation


The authors have given us one of the more important recent books on Canadian international public policy--on a par with Janice Stein and Eugene Lang's The Unexpected War: Canada in Kandahar.... The changing international and Canadian contexts for aid are well laid out, as are the implications provided by the empirical evidence.... The authors punch huge holes in the naïve and simplistic assumptions behind much of good governance programming.

- Jean-Marc Mangin, Director of CUSO, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 2008 May

Timely and important.... Taken together, these twelve chapters are well researched and effectively presented. They draw prudent conclusions and do not make exaggerated claims. The country case studies are appropriately chosen to illustrate a range of situations, from fragile states like Haiti and Afghanistan, to more promising examples like Ghana, through to a relative success stoy like Mauritius. Moreover the volume is highly readable, not only by serious scholars but also by practitioners and journalists. One pleasing feature is the extensive use of cross-referencing. Several of the authors had obviously read and thought about the other chapters, and this reading informs what they have to say, thus enhancing the unity and the quality of the whole volume.

- Laurence S. Cumming, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 30, nos. 3-4, 2010, 2010 July