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Johanna Krause Twice Persecuted

Surviving in Nazi Germany and Communist East Germany

By Carolyn Gammon & Christiane Hemker
Series Life Writing Hide Details
Paperback : 9781554580064, 180 pages, June 2007
Ebook (EPUB) : 9781554586875, 180 pages, October 2009
Ebook (PDF) : 9781554580910, 180 pages, May 2013

Table of contents

Table of Contents for Johanna Kraus: Twice Persecuted Surviving Nazi Germany and Communist East Germany, translated by Carolyn Gammon and Christiane Hemker
Introduction | Freya Klier
1. My Home
2. After My Apprenticeship
3. Dancing Was My Life
4. Deportation and Return
5. Our Unusual Wedding
6. Imprisoned for “Defiling the Race”
7. Forced Labour and Sterilization
8. In Prison in Dresden
9. In the Women’s Concentration Camp, Ravensbrück
10. The Death March
11. After Liberation
12. The Eisenacher Hof
13. My Mother Died in Theresienstadt
14. “That Johanna Krause—She’s Dangerous!”
15. Jail for Me, Jail for Max
16. The Years Grow Quieter
17. At the End of Life
Appendix and Acknowledgements


Persecuted as a Jew, both under the Nazis and in post-war East Germany, Johanna Krause (1907–2001) courageously fought her way through life with searing humour and indomitable strength of character. Johanna Krause Twice Persecuted is her story.
Born in Dresden into bitter poverty, Krause received little education and worked mostly in shops and factories. In 1933, when she came to the defence of a Jewish man being beaten by the brownshirts, Krause was jailed for “insulting the Fürer” After a secret wedding in 1935, she was arrested again with her husband, Max Krause, for breaking the law that forbade marriage between a Jew and an “Aryan.”
In the years following, Johanna endured many atrocities—a forced abortion while eight months pregnant and subsequent sterilization, her incarceration in numerous prisons and concentration camps, including Ravensbrück, the notorious women’s camp near Berlin, and a death march.
After the war, the Krauses took part enthusiastically in building the new socialist republic of East Germany—until 1958, when Johanna recognized a party official as a man who had tried to rape and kill her during the war. Thinking the communist party would punish the official, Joanna found out whose side the party was on and was subjected to anti-Semitic attacks. Both she and her husband were jailed and their business and belongings confiscated. After her release she lived as a persona non grata in East Germany, having been evicted from the communist party. It was only in the 1990s, after the reunification of Germany, that Johanna saw some justice.
Originally published as Zweimal Verfolgt, the book is the result of collaboration between Johanna Krause, Carolyn Gammon, and Christiane Hemker. Translated by Carolyn Gammon, Johanna Krause Twice Persecuted will be of interest to scholars of auto/biography, World War II history, and the Holocaust.