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One Hundred Years of Social Work

A History of the Profession in English Canada, 1900–2000

By Colleen Lundy & Therese Jennissen
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Paperback : 9781554581863, 378 pages, February 2011
Ebook (EPUB) : 9781554583423, 378 pages, February 2011
Ebook (PDF) : 9781554582808, 378 pages, February 2011

Table of contents

Table of Contents for One Hundred Years of Social Work: A History of the Profession in English Canada, 1900–2000 by Therese Jennissen and Colleen Lundy
Abbreviations of Organizations and Terms
Chapter One: Responding to Industrial Capitalism and Setting the Stage for Professional Social Work, 1880–1924
Child Welfare
The Role of Religion
Planting the Seeds of Social Work
The Settelement Movement
Charity Organization Societies (COS)
Social Work in World War I
Postwar Social Unrest and Labour Conflict
Chapter Two: Pursuing Professional Status, 1924–29
The American Influence
The Formative Years in Canadian Social Work Education
Formation of a Canadian Social Work Association
The Impact of Pursuing Professional Status
Chapter Three: Face to Face with Poverty: Social Work in the Depression, 1930–9
Social Workers Respond to Unemployment and Poverty
The Relief Crisis
Social Workers Come under Attack
Housing Conditions
Stretcher Bearers or Political Activists
Left-Leaning Social Workers
Social Casework Challenged
Developments in the CASW
Chapter Four: Social Work in the War Years, 1939–45: Expansion and Consolidation
Contributing to the War Effort
The Continuation of Peacetime Social Work
Shortage of Qualified Social Workers
Growth and Consolidation in the CASW
Chapter Five: Postwar Reconstruction and Civil Defence, 1940–60
Social Work and Postwar Reconstruction
The Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations (Rowell-Sirois), 1937–40
Unemployment Insurance Act, 1940
Report on Social Security for Canada (Marsh Report), 1943
Advisory Committee on Health Insurance (the Heagerty Committee), 1942–43
The Committee on Housing and Community Planning (the Curtis Committee), 1944
The Family Allowances Act, 1944
The Dominion-Provincial Conference on Reconstruction, 1945
Keeping an Eye on Child Welfare
Social Work and Civil Defence in Times of Peace
Chapter Six: Social Work in the Cold War Era, 1940–60: Radicalism and Repression
The Daycare Movement
The Peace Movement
The Canadian Peace Congress
Social Workers for Peace
The Case of Mary Jennison: A Victim of Anti-Communist Witch Hunts
The RCMP “Red List”
Chapter Seven: A Conservative Era in Social Work: The 1950s
Formalizing a Code of Ethics
Welfare Planning as Social Action
Abolition of the Death Penalty
The Doukhobor Situation
Revisiting the Social Action Mandate, 1956–58
Chapter Eight: The Struggle for Workplace Improvements and Standards: The Role of Unions and Professional Associations
Social Work and Unions: An Uneasy Alliance
Social Workers, Staff Associations, and Unions
Vulnerability of Social Workers: A Case Example
Social Workers in High Demand and Short Supply
Inadequate Training
Salaries and Conditions of Work
Social Workers Prepare to Strike
Chapter Nine: Provincial Autonomy and Reorganization in the CASW, 1950–65
The “Manpower” Crisis in Social Work
Restructuring of Role and Function
Provincial Autonomy
The Move to Provincial Associations: British Columbia
Developments in Quebec
New Directions for the CASW
Chapter Ten: Advancing Social Work Education, 1950–70
US Influence on Social Work Education
Organizing Social Work Education in Canada
The National Committee of Canadian Schools of Social Work (NCCSSW)
Canadian Committee on Social Work Education (CCSWE)
Canadian Council on Education and Personnel for the Social Services (CCEPSS)
Social Worker Shortage and Social Welfare Workers
Meeting the Challenges in Social Work Education
The Unwelcoming University
Chapter Eleven: Legal Regulation of Social Work: The Last Stage in Professionalization
The Process of Professionalization
Legal Regulation: A Troubled Relationship with the State
A Patchwork of Regulatory Legislation
Convincing Government and Social Work
The Impact of Professionalization
Chapter Twelve: Staying the Course: Choosing Professional Status over Progressive Politics
Selective Responses to Government Initiatives
Initiatives by Provincial Associations
The CASW Critiques Its Own Responses to Government
Silence on the Status of Women
Housing and Urban Renewal
The Absence of the CASW in Social Workers’ Political Struggles
Going It Alone: Bridget Moran’s Battle with British Columbia’s Social Credit Government
Accountability and Ethics in Social Work Practice: The Warrendale Affair
Exercising the Left Wing: Social Workers Promoting Social Change
Chapter Thirteen: Social Work in a Declining Welfare State, 1974–2000
Cutbacks to the Welfare State and Changes in the Profession, 1974–89
Malaise in the Profession
Social Work Practitioners Shift to the Left
Persecution of a Left-Leaning Social Work Professor
A Wholesale Attack on the Welfare State, 1989–2000
Responses from the Social Work Community
Social Work Demonstrates Its Relevance
Chapter Fourteen: One Hundred Years of Social Work: Looking Back and Moving Foward into the Twenty-First Century
A Time of Transition
Social Work Entering the Twenty-First Century: An Uncertain Time
External Challenges
Challenges Internal to the Profession
The Ongoing Struggle to Address Our Inherent Contradictions
Losing Ground in the Workplace and in Society
Fragmentation of Social Work Bodies
Social Work Theory and the Question of Theoretical Robustness
Losing Our Historical Roots in the Peace Movement
Moving Foward
Fighting for Control over Our Work
Returning to Our Legacy of Resistance
Reinvigorating Our Theory Base
Promoting Social and Economic Justice, Not Charity
Appendix A: CASW Branches, 1927–58
Appendix B: CASW Presidents, 1926–2001


One Hundred Years of Social Work is the first comprehensive history of social work as a profession in English Canada. Organized chronologically, it provides a critical and compelling look at the internal struggles and debates in the social work profession over the course of a century and investigates the responses of social workers to several important events. A central theme in the book is the long-standing struggle of the professional association (the Canadian Association of Social Workers) and individual social workers to reconcile advancement of professional status with the promotion social action.
The book chronicles the early history of the secularization and professionalization of social work and examines social workers roles during both world wars, the Depression, and in the era of postwar reconstruction. It includes sections on civil defence, the Cold War, unionization, social work education, regulation of the profession, and other key developments up to the end of the twentieth century.
Drawing on extensive archival research as well as personal interviews and secondary literature, the authors provide strong academic evidence of a profession that has endured many important changes and continues to advocate for a just society and a responsive social welfare state.
One Hundred Years of Social Work will be of interest to social workers, social work students and educators, social historians, professional associations and anyone interested in understanding the complex nature of people and institutions.


One Hundred Years of Social Work is the only text that attempts to deal exclusively with the historical development of the profession. It is clearly written and represents a significant contribution to social work literature in this country.... It provides an excellent history of the CASW and it sets social work within the context of broader political and economic events that influenced and affected the development of the Canadian welfare state. Jennissen and Lundy have created a useful resource for social workers including university faculty members, students, practitioners, regulators, professional associations, and agency managers.

- Glen Schmidt, University of Northern British Columbia, Labour/Le Travail, 69, Spring 2012, 2012 August

This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Canadian social policy. Through meticulous research the authors provide the first comprehensive history of social work professionalization in Canada. In telling this story they shed critical light on the ambiguous role the profession has played during both the formation and unravelling of Canada's welfare state. Centred principally on the activities of the Canadian Association of Social Workers this well-written history skilfully explores the tension between social activism and professional recognition within an occupation located at the crossroads of social justice.

- James Struthers, Canadian Studies Department, Trent University, 2011 January

In One Hundred Years of Social Work, the authors provide a nuanced narrative, informed by a combination of feminist theory, critical theory, and political economy. They have mined all the secondary literature and done extensive archival work as well as many interviews with living key players. This is a book of very sound scholarship.... Because the book is thoroughly documented, it will serve for many years to come as the standard book in the social work field to trace and analyze the history of social workers in the twentieth century. But the writing is jargon-free and the book should serve equally well as an important work for anyone studying the evolution of social policy in Canada or the evolution of professions in the country.

- Alvin Finkel, author of [ Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History (WLU Press, 2006)], 2011 January