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Text and Artifact in the Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity

Essays in Honour of Peter Richardson

Edited by Michel Desjardins & Stephen G. Wilson
Series Studies in Christianity and Judaism Hide Details
Hardcover : 9780889203563, 632 pages, May 2000
Ebook (PDF) : 9780889205512, 632 pages, January 2006

Table of contents

Table of Contents for Text and Artifact in the Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Peter Richardson, edited by Stephen G. Wilson and Michel Desjardins
Partners in Publication
Part One: Peter Richardson: Writer and Teacher
Giving to Peter What Has Belonged to Paul | Michel Desjardins
The Professor's House | Laurence Broadhurt
Part Two: Text and Artifact in the New Testament World
Reading the Text and Digging the Past: The First Audience of Romans | Lloyd Gaston
Peter in the Middle: Galatians 2:11-21 | L. Ann Tervis
Phoebe, the Servant-Benefactor and Gospel Traditions | Roman Garrison
Paul and the Caravanners: A Proposal on the Mode of ``Passing Through Mysia'' | Robert Jewett
Benefaction Gone Wrong: The ``Sin'' of Ananias and Sapphira in Context | Richard S. Ascough
Isaiah 5:1-7, the Parable of the Tenants and Vineyard Leases on Papyrus | John S. Kloppenborg
The Parable of the Tenants and the Class Consciousness of the Peasantry | William E. Arnal
Placing Jesus of Nazareth: Toward a Theory of Place in the Study of the Historical Jesus | Halvor Moxnes
Irony, Text and Artifact: Cross and Superscription in the Passion Narratives | Paul W. Gooch
On the Relation of Text and Artifact: Some Cautionary Tales | James D.G. Dunn
Part Three: Text and Artifact in the World of Christian Origins
Physiotherapy of Femininity in the Acts of Thecla | Willi Braun
Sex and the Single God: Celibacy as Social Deviancy in the Roman Period | Calvin J. Roetzel
``Good Luck on Your Resurrection'': Beth She'arim and Paul on the Resurrection of the Dead | Richard N. Longenecker
The Earliest Evidence of an Emerging Christian Material and Visual Culture: The Codex, the Nomina Sacra and the Staurogram | Larry W. Hurtado
The Aesthetic Origins of Early Christian Architecture | Graydon F. Snyder
``Ascent and Descent'' in the Constantinian Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem | Wendy Pullan
Part Four: Text and Artifact in the World of Late-Antique Judaism
Better Homes and Gardens: Women and Domestic Space in the Books of Judith and Susanna | Adele Reinhartz
Tyros, the ``Floating Palace'' | Ehud Netzer
Epigraphic Evidence for Jewish Defectors | Stephen G. Wilson
Jerusalem Ossuary Inscriptions and the Status of Jewish Proselytes | Terence L. Donaldson
Behind the Names: Samaritans, Ioudaioi, Galileans | Sean Freyne
Friendship and Second Temple Jewish Sectarianism | Wayne O. McCready
What Josephus Says about the Essenes in his Judean War | Steven Mason
The Archaeological Artifacts of Masada and the Credibility of Josephus | William Klassen
Mishnah's Rhetoric, Other Material Artifacts of Late-Roman Galilee and the Social Formation of the Early Rabbinic Guild | Jack N. Lightstone
Part Five: Text and Artifact in the Greco-Roman World
Apuleius to Symmachus (and Stops in Between): Pietas, Realia and the Empire | Harold Remus
Apuleius the Novelist, Apuleius the Ostian Householder and the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres: Further Explorations of an Hypothesis of Filippo Coarelli | Roger Beck
Subject Index
Modern Authors Index
Ancient Sources Index


Can archaeological remains be made to “speak” when brought into conjunction with texts? Can written remains, on stone or papyrus, shed light on the parables of Jesus, or on the Jewish view of afterlife? What are the limits to the use of artifactual data, and when is the value overstated? Text and Artifact addresses the complex and intriguing issue of how primary religious texts from the ancient Mediterranean world are illuminated by, and in turn illuminate, the ever-increasing amount of artifactual evidence available from the surrounding world.
The book honours Peter Richardson, and the first two chapters offer appreciations of this scholarship and teaching. The remaining chapters focus on early Christianity, late-antique Judaism and topics germane to the Roman world at large. Many of the essays relate to features of Jewish life — the epigraphic evidence for gentile converts to Judaism or for Jewish defectors, ancient accounts of the Essenes or of the siege of Masada, and the material context of the first great rabbinic work, the Mishnah. Other essays connect early Christian texts with the social and cultural realia of their day — modes of travel, notions of gender, patronage and benefaction, the relation of tenants and owners — or reflect on the aesthetics of Christian architecture and the relation between building and ritual in Constantinian churches. One study relates the writing of the famous novelist Apuleius to a household mithraeum in Ostia, while another explores the changing appropriation of religious realia as the Roman world became Christian.
These wide-ranging and original studies demonstrate clearly that texts and artifacts can be mutually supportive. Equally, they point to ways in which artifacts, no less than texts, are inherently ambiguous and teach us to be cautious in our conclusions.