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Showing 121-130 of 249 titles.
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“This book...avoids the political debates about Jean-Bertrand Aristide that dominate so many current writings about Haiti. Its focus is the society itself, the sources of difference, the origins of violence, a ...

No Insignificant Part

No Insignificant Part: The Rhodesia Native Regiment and the East Africa Campaign of the First World War is the first history of the only primarily African military unit from Zimbabwe to fight in the First ...

Social Policy and Practice in Canada

Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History traces the history of social policy in Canada from the period of First Nations’ control to the present day, exploring the various ways in which residents o ...

The Call of Conscience

By Geoffrey Adams
Subjects: History, Religion
Series: Editions SR

Initially, when the government in Paris responded with force to the November 1, 1954 insurrection of Algerian nationalists, French public opinion offered all but unanimous support. Then it was revealed ...

Education as and for Legitimacy

This study of the development of education in the British West Indian colonies during the last half of the nineteenth century examines the educational policies and curriculum used in schools following ...

Negotiating Freer Trade

On November 17, 1938, Great Britain, the United States, and Canada, after four years of discussion and manoeuvre, signed two wide–ranging and interlocking trade agreements. A few large elements dominated t ...

Peter Martyr Vermigli

Renaissance and Reformation—partners or enemies? The popular image of these two historical phenomena is one of opposition and contradiction: the Renaissance was a cultural revival influenced by classical p ...

Robert Thorne Coryndon

Robert Thorne Coryndon, born in South Africa in 1870, served twenty-eight years as the top-ranking administrator of African dependencies, a career unmatched by any other British colonial governor. “Governors ...

Rupert’s Land

For nearly two centuries, the Company of Adventurers trading into Hudson’s Bay exported from Rupert’s Land hundreds of thousands of pelts, leaving in exchange a wealth of European trade goods. Yet opening the ...