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Showing 201-210 of 249 titles.
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Utilization, Misuse, and Development of Human Resources in the Early West Indian Colonies

This comprehensive study of the development of education in the West Indies between 1492 and 1854 examines the shifts which occurred within the nature of the education programs provided for the masses. ...

The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844-1861

Drawing on a wide range of church records, pamphlets, private papers, and periodicals, Richard Vaudry has written an authoritative study of the formation and development of the Free Church in mid-Victorian ...

Guide to Historical Resources in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Guide to Historical Resources in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo identifies the archival collections of over one hundred and seventy-five museums, libraries, archives, government offices, social ...

Men, Machines, and War

Using examples from the last two centuries, this collection of essays discusses the close links between technology and war. In the opening essay, distinguished historian William H. McNeill demonstrates ...

A Victorian Missionary and Canadian Indian Policy

Canada's Indian policy has, since the 1830s, consisted mainly of attempts at cultural replacement. Although rarely practised, cultural synthesis of native and western cultures has been advocated as an ...

The Ogoki River Guides

The Ogoki River Guides describes the prolonged struggle that members of a small native community in northern Ontario have undertaken in their attempt to establish a viable local economy. The leaders of ...

Sam Hughes

This book is based on the public career of a highly controversial Canadian, Sam Hughes 1885–1916. He is one of the most colourful, even bizarre, figures in Canadian history.
Though he died in 1921, his ...

The Anglo-Saxons

The popular notion that sees the Anglo-Saxon era as “The Dark Ages” perhaps has tended to obscure for many people the creations and strengths of that time. This collection, in examining many aspects of pre ...


Les Essais de Montaigne sont Poeuvre la plus indispensable pour quiconque veut comprendre l’histoire de la pensee occidentale depuis le 16e siècle (T.S. Eliot dixit). De par la grande diversite des themes ex ...

Tell el-Hesi

Tell el-Hesi, located in southern Israel at the juncture of the Negev Desert and the foothills of the Judean Mountains, provides an excellent opportunity for the archaeological study of the impact of ...