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Language Arts & Disciplines

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  • Language Arts & Disciplines
Showing 31-35 of 35 titles.
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Theories of Property

The essays in this book began as a contributions to a Summer Workshop arranged by the Calgary Institute for the Humanities, and haled at the University of Calgary from July 7 to 14, 1978. The Institute, ...

La Langue de Ya’udi

C'est avec des commentaire élogiquex de plusieurs critiques que La langue de Ya'udi du Professeur Dion a été remis à cette Corporation pour être publié. Ces seuls jugements favorables justifient le plaisir que ...

Reflections on Values Education

Everyone ought to be profoundly concerned with the "development" of the leaner and consequently the development of society. The ultimate standard (value) for such development is to attain a more adequate ...

Values Education

Values—those intangible guideposts—serve as standards and perceptual screens which assist us in selecting our priorities for reflection and action. Our quest is to clarify, compare, and form values expressed in ...