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Showing 21-30 of 60 titles.
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Structural Idealism

Do we determine our actions, or are our actions ruled by the structure of our society? Does our culture create us, or do we create our culture?
Within history and social theory there is a fundamental ...

Something to Cry About

Why does our society think it is okay to hit children?
Almost everyone thinks it is wrong to abuse a child. But many parents and teachers believe it is okay to spank children, rap their knuckles, slap ...

Clothed in Integrity

Barbara Paleczny, herself a daughter of garment workers, tugs at the threads of homeworking in the garment industry to reveal a low-wage strategy that rends the fabric of social integrity and exposes ...

War and International Justice

Can war ever be just? By what right do we charge people with war crimes? Can war itself be a crime? What is a good peace treaty?
Since the Cold War ended in the early 1990s, many wars have erupted, inflaming ...

Towards an Ethics of Community

How do we deal with difference personally, interpersonally, nationally? Can we weave a cohesive social fabric in a religiously plural society without suppressing differences?
This collection of significant ...

A Textured Life

Thirty years ago, spending one’s life in a large institution was, for most adults with developmental disabilities, the norm. Three decades later, theirs is a very different world. Deinstitutionalization h ...

A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics

The ethical theories employed in health care today assume, in the main, a modern Western philosophical framework. Yet the diversity of cultural and religious assumptions regarding human nature, health ...

The Ethics of the New Economy

Is restructuring an underhanded way to make the rich richer and the poor poorer? Or is it necessary, although bitter, medicine for an ailing economy?
In The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and ...

The Moral Parameters of Good Talk

Should we not apply the same moral standards to language as we do to behaviour? Should we not demand fair treatment in how others speak to us or include us in conversations?
In The Moral Parameters ...

The Concept of Equity in Calvin’s Ethics

Ever since Calvin wrote his Institutes of the Christian Religion, admonishing the reader that “it would not be difficult for him to determine what he ought especially to seek in Scriptures, and to what e ...