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Gender Studies

Showing 11-15 of 15 titles.
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Map Worlds

Map Worlds plots a journey of discovery through the world of women map-makers from the golden age of cartography in the sixteenth-century Low Countries to tactile maps in contemporary Brazil.
Author ...

Ontario Boys

Ontario Boys explores the preoccupation with boyhood in Ontario during the immediate postwar period, 1945–1960. It argues that a traditional version of boyhood was being rejuvenated in response to a population f ...

From Sugar to Revolution

Sovereignty. Sugar. Revolution. These are the three axes this book uses to link the works of contemporary women artists from Haiti—a country excluded in contemporary Latin American and Caribbean literary s ...

Gender, Health, and Popular Culture

Health is a gendered concept in Western cultures. Customarily it is associated with strength in men and beauty in women. This gendered concept was transmitted through visual representations of the ideal ...

Book of Gomorrah

Some of the roots of a negative attitude to homosexuality are found in Peter Damian’s appeal to Pope Leo IX. Written 900 years ago by an Italian monk, The Book of Gomorrah asks the Pope to take steps ...