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Showing 51-60 of 62 titles.
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The Waterloo Mennonites

The Waterloo Mennonites is truly a communal book: the substance treats the communal aspect of the Mennonite community in all its complexity, while the book itself came about through communal effort from ...

The Perils of Patient Government

In 1964 the Senate Committee on Aging reported that “once admitted to an institution ... the veteran begins ... to show signs of social and physical degeneration,” a phenomenon that has not escapted the att ...

Continuity and Change Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren

More than 450 years after their birth in the Anabaptist movement, 125 years after their secession from Russian Mennonitism, and 60 years after their immigration to Canada, the Mennonite Brethren exhibit ...

The Ogoki River Guides

The Ogoki River Guides describes the prolonged struggle that members of a small native community in northern Ontario have undertaken in their attempt to establish a viable local economy. The leaders of ...

Tell el-Hesi

Tell el-Hesi, located in southern Israel at the juncture of the Negev Desert and the foothills of the Judean Mountains, provides an excellent opportunity for the archaeological study of the impact of ...

Bruno Jasienski

Bruno Jasieński was a bilingual Polish-Russian writer who died in exile in Siberia in 1939. This volume traces his literary evolution. The introductory biographical sketch is followed by a discussion ...

Party and Parish Pump

“My attention was drawn to Ireland by footnotes,” writes the author. “Over and over again the literature of comparative politics noted simply ‘except in Ireland’.... The question that puzzled me was, Why shoul ...

Ethnic Organizational Dynamics

How is the culture of an immigrant group kept alive in a new country? Voluntary organizations play a significant role, according to the author, in preserving the cultural heritage of Poland for Polish ...

The Rise and Fall of an African Utopia

In 1947 a group of Yoruba-speaking fishermen who had been persecuted because of their religious beliefs founded their own community in order to worship in peace. Although located in an impoverished part ...