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Chapter 1 Lesson 1: “TheTruth About Stories is ... Stories Are All That We Are”

“The Way of the Sword” Dawn Dumont (Plains Cree, 1978– )
“King of the Tie-snakes” (2001), Craig Womack (Cherokee, 1960– )
“As It Was in the Beginning” (1899), E. Pauline Johnson (Mohawk, 1861–1913)
“Deer Woman” (1991), Paula Gunn Allen (Laguna Pueblo/Sioux, 1939–2008)
“‘You’ll Never Believe What Happened’ Is Always a Great Way to Start,” Thomas King (Cherokee, 1943– )


Stories are literally all that we are. We are all storytellers and we all have a story. This unit will have both students and teachers read stories from an Indigenous perspective; listen to how others and themselves interpret or understand the story; and then begin to tell their own stories.



Curriculum Expectations


What is a story?
Why are stories important?
What is truth?

Prior knowledge


Students will read two “Where I’m From” poems as a class and then have a brief discussion on them. What are the stories in these poems? How do they make you feel? Teacher will jot down ideas from the discussion on the board

Reading and Listening Strategies (RLS): Use of reading comprehension strategies to identify patterns/flow of poems (ENG3U) RLS: Ability to identify elements of style and how they help communicate meaning (ENG3U)


Students will work on their own “Where I’m From” poems in class

Writing (W): Ability to classify and organize information and ideas to suit a specific purpose for writing (ENG3U)


Students will continue to work and review their poems

W: Ability to determine whether the ideas and information gathered are accurate and complete, interesting, and effectively meet the requirements of the writing task (ENG3U)

Teacher Reflection

Read Introduction of Read, Listen, Tell, pp. 1–11. Begin working on my own “Where I’m From” poem to share with the class