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Chapter 2 Lesson 2

Learning Goals:
• To explore stories of immigration to Canada either as a newcomer, several generations of settlement, or nation-to-nation movement for Indigenous peoples



Curriculum Expectations


The original inhabitants of Canada are Indigenous peoples. Therefore, everyone else, regardless of how many generations of their family have been living in Canada, has immigrated from another country and/or continent. Students partner up with a peer and share their family story of emigration to Canada.

O.C.: Speaking to Communicate: use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes (ENG3U)


Questions to think about while sharing:
a-i) In what year, approximately, did your family immigrate to Canada? How old were you? Or how old were your parents? grandparents? great-grandparents? etc.
a-ii) Approximately, from what Nation/Territory/ Land/Reserve are you or your ancestors from? If you do not know, think about the geographical location you have heard your parents or grandparents often talk about. 
Questions to think about while sharing:
b–i) What method, or methods, of transportation did your family use to arrive in Canada? Why did your family choose to move to Canada?
b–ii) What methods of transportation did your family use to move into your community? Why did your family choose to move into your community?
c–i/ii) What emotions did you and/or your family members feel when you moved to Canada/your community?
d–i/ii) What struggles did you and/or your family members face while travelling to Canada/your community?
e–i/ii) What struggles did you and/or your family members face when you arrived in Canada/your community?
f–i) What memories does your family share about the immigration journey to Canada? What are your favourite memories and/or your favourite story and why?
f–ii) What memories does your family share about your Nation/Territory/Land/Reserve? What are your favourite memories and/or your favourite story and why?
Note: Students might not know their story; therefore, they can share as much as they know with their peer

O.C.: Listening to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes (ENG3U)


Learning Goal: Students interview their family members and investigate their immigration story or their story as Indigenous peoples and create a medium source to share with the class, either in small groups or as a whole class.
As a class, co-create a list of questions that students would like to ask about their immigration story or their story as Indigenous peoples.
Co-create a list of success criteria of project outcomes.
Co-create differentiated methods of tools to share (e.g., PPT, iMovie, audio recording, Pow Toon, etc.).

MS: Creating Media Texts: Create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques (ENG3U)


As students are investigating, exploring, and sharing their immigration story, reflect on the struggles Indigenous peoples face today with nation-to-nation relationships? For example, travelling between Canada, USA, and Mexico.


Teacher Reflection

Share with the class your immigration story to the northern part of Turtle Island (Canada).