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Chapter 2 Lesson 3

Learning Goals:
• To make connections to current international and local issues Indigenous peoples face today with land.



Curriculum Expectations


Review the stories from Lesson #1 and list with students the struggles Indigenous peoples faced.

Identify different definitions of sovereignty as expressed in the works of Aboriginal writers (Sovereignty– NBE3U)
Assess the impact of Aboriginal sovereignty on Canadian society, as portrayed in the works of Aboriginal writers (Sovereignty–NBE3U)
Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of forms of Aboriginal expression that have been used to affirm sovereignty (Sovereignty–NBE3U)


Provide students with newspaper articles (hard copy or online) on current international and local issues Indigenous peoples face with borders, immigration, pipelines, etc. For example, search on the Internet:
• land claim settlements
• Canadian/US pipelines
• Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
• the Algonquin Park settlement
• the Ipperwash crisis

W: Applying Knowledge of Conventions: Use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively (ENG3U)
Developing and Organizing Content: Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience (ENG3U)
RLS: Reading for Meaning: Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, informational, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning (ENG3U)


Students partner up with a peer to conduct research:
a) Choose a topic of interest based on land. Note: Depending on the level of research skills students may have, the teacher might want to collect three to five articles written by Indigenous and non-Indigenous writers related to conflict over land and then do further research on the topic or answer the questions that follow. Be mindful of the perspectives the students are reading and learning from. It is recommended the students watch The Danger of a Single Story, a TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, to critically examine and reflect on the perspectives we are learning from. 
b) Investigate the problem.
c) If applicable, how long as the case been open?
d) What is the Indigenous perspective on the issue? e) What is the non-Indigenous perspective?
f) How does your understanding of the issue affect your relationship with Indigenous peoples? Students prepare a presentation to share with the class, or write, or co-write, a paper to submit to the teacher.


Beyond Reading

Research activists who are working on land claims – for example, Pamela Palmateur, Justice Murray Sinclair, Cindy Blackstone, Chief Theresa Spence, Idle No More, EZLN, Isidro Baldenegro Lopez, 43 Ayotzinapa, Berta Cáceres, Maria de Jesus Patricio Martinez, etc.


Teacher Reflection

Share with the class how all can ally on international and local land issues Indigenous peoples face today