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Showing 1291 to 1300 of 2269 results.

Lori Beckstead

Lori Beckstead is an Associate Professor of sound media in the RTA School of Media at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada. She is coauthor of Podcast or Perish: Peer Review and Knowledge ...

Dario Llinares

Dario Llinares is Associate Professor of Film and Media at Ravensbourne University, London. He has published on topics including the Astronaut in American Culture, British Prison Film, and Digital Cinematic ...

Ross T. Bender

Ross T. Bender is Professor of Christian Education at the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, Indiana, and a former President of the Mennonite World Conference.

Loretta Czernis

Loretta Czernis teaches Sociology at Bishop’s University in Lennoxville, Quebec.

Bernard Rosensweig

Contact WLU Press for information about this author.

T.R. Nag Raj

T.R. Nag Raj teaches in the Department of Biology at the University of Waterloo.