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Mystics and Scholars

In September of 1976 a group of some fifty scholars and practising mystics gathered at the University of Calgary. The chief objective of the Conference was to ponder and assess the nature of mysticism ...

The Brain Drain

Theoretical studies of the determinants of migration by skilled persons and the output and welfare effects of such migration on the migrants and the countries of departure and destination.
The volume ...

Footnotes to a Theology

The essays which are brought together here were originally delivered during the first colloquium of the Karl Earth Society of North America. It met at Victoria University in Toronto on October 26 to 28, ...

La Langue de Ya’udi

C'est avec des commentaire élogiquex de plusieurs critiques que La langue de Ya'udi du Professeur Dion a été remis à cette Corporation pour être publié. Ces seuls jugements favorables justifient le plaisir que ...

Reflections on Values Education

Everyone ought to be profoundly concerned with the "development" of the leaner and consequently the development of society. The ultimate standard (value) for such development is to attain a more adequate ...

A History of Kitchener, Ontario

William V. Uttley's outline of Kitchener's growth from the 1840's into 20th century [is] shot through with a reassuring consistency and integration of purpose .... The complex of life as we still know ...

Values Education

Values—those intangible guideposts—serve as standards and perceptual screens which assist us in selecting our priorities for reflection and action. Our quest is to clarify, compare, and form values expressed in ...


Biblical tradition asserts that the revelation of God to Moses in the burning bush involved also a declaration of the divine name, the Tet (represented by the letters Y, H, W, H), and its meaning. There ...

In Search of the Visible Past

This book is a combination of five public lectures offered to the university and community during the academic year 1973–1974, given by the History Department of Wilfrid Laurier University. These were g ...