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Showing 2281 to 2288 of 2288 results.

Three Chilean Thinkers

By Solomon Lipp
Subjects: Philosophy

Three Chilean Thinkers, a companion piece to Three Argentine Thinkers, attempts to examine some of the outstanding characters of Chile's intellectual development by way of analyzing the contribution of ...

The Correspondence of Iu Samarin and Baroness Rahden

Iuri Samarin and Baroness Rahden were intelligent and cultured people who moved easily in nineteenth-century Russian and European society and whose comments on leading personalities, religious, political, ...

Luther and the Radicals

By Harry Loewen
Subjects: Religion, History

Luther and the Radicals, written by a Mennonite scholar, seeks to understand the reasons for the clash between Luther and the Anabaptist radical religious reformists.

In their zeal to tell the true story ...

Image of the Indian

The intention of this paper is to take a look at a representation of what Canadians were reading about their Indians over seventy years of this century. The purpose is to determine what view of the Canadian ...

The Retrospective Review (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth Century Poetry

This essay had its beginning in an investigation of changing attitudes to seventeenth-century Pre-Restoration poetry during the English Romantic period. In the course of that research, Jane Campbell discovered ...

Networks of Contact

“We are making an interesting break with conventional sociology.... In recent years sociologists, anthropologists, and other students of social behaviour have made considerable use of the network metaphor . ...