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Showing 661 to 670 of 2268 results.

Michael Ripmeester

Michael Ripmeester is in the Department of Geography at Brock University.

Phillip Gordon Mackintosh

Phillip Gordon Mackintosh is a faculty member in the Department of Geography at Brock University.

Christopher Fullerton

Christopher Fullerton is a faculty member in the Department of Geography at Brock University.

Gary Barwin

Gary Barwin is a writer, composer, multimedia artist, educator, and the author of eighteen books of poetry and fiction. His recent books include Moon Baboon Canoe (poetry) and I, Dr Greenblatt, 251-1457 ...

Paul Dutton

For over four decades, writer and musician Paul Dutton has steadfastly maintained his commitment to the integrated expression of the literary, the sonic, and the visual. He has issued seven books (poetry, ...

Lori Emerson

Lori Emerson is an assistant professor in the Department of English at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She writes about and teaches electronic literature (especially digital poetry), experimental ...

John Riddell

John Riddell is the author of Criss-Cross (Coach House, 1977) and numerous other volumes of visual poetry and prose. An early editor of grOnk, Ganglia, and Phenomenon Press, he has published in magazines ...

Linda Snyder

Linda Snyder taught community organizing, most recently as an associate professor at Renison University College, University of Waterloo. Her related publications include chapters in International Social ...

Takamichi Takahatake

The Reverend Takamichi Takahatake currently teaches in Takaoka, Japan. Until 1985 he was Reverend at the Montréal Buddhist Church.

Nilan Yu

Nilan Yu is a lecturer in social work at the University of South Australia. His research interests include critical practice, work in organizations, disability, labour migration, and human rights. One ...