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Showing 1 to 10 of 2268 results.

Marilyn F. Nefsky

Marilyn F. Nefsky is currently an associate professor in the Department of Sociology/Religion and coordinator of Liberal Education for the University of Lethbridge.

Kathryn Elder

Kathryn Elder is film and video librarian at York University, Toronto, and editor of The Films of Joyce Wieland, also published by Cinematheque Ontario.

Rowland Lorimer

Rowland Lorimer is editor of the Canadian Journal of Communication and director of the Master of Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University.

John H.V. Gilbert

John H.V. Gilbert is professor and coordinator of Health Sciences, University of British Columbia.

Ruth J. Patrick

Ruth J. Patrick is university librarian at the University of British Columbia.

Christl Verduyn

Christl Verduyn is a professor of English and Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University, where she holds the Davidson Chair in Canadian Studies and is the director of the Centre for Canadian Studies. ...

Frans J. Schryer

Frans J. Schryer is currently a professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Guelph. He spent his childhood in the Netherlands.

Audrey Andrews

Audrey Andrews, after teaching for several years in the Department of English at the University of Calgary, is currently a freelance writer. Her original article about Dorothy Joudrie was published in ...

Thomas St James O’Connor

Thomas St. James O’Connor holds the Delton J. Glebe Chair, Pastoral Counselling and is also the director of pastoral care and counselling at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. He is an associate clinical professor ...