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Showing 71-80 of 88 titles.
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How Silent Were the Churches?

Winner of the 1997 Jewish Book Committee award for scholarship on a Canadian Jewish subject.
Ever since Abella and Troper (None Is too Many, 1982) exposed the anti-Semitism behind Canada’s refusal to a ...

“Race,” Rights and the Law in the Supreme Court of Canada

Four cases in which the legal issue was “race” — that of a Chinese restaurant owner who was fined for employing a white woman; a black man who was refused service in a bar; a Jew who wanted to buy a cottage but w ...

Until Next Year

Quickly, easily, by e-mail, fax and phone — in a variety of ways — we communicate with distant friends, family and associates, and we think nothing of it.

Canadians in the past knew a very different world. ...

And Peace Never Came

“It is Easter Sunday, April 1945, early in the morning, maybe just dawn. We stand still, like frozen grey statues. Us. Seven hundred and thirty women, wrapped in wet, grey, threadbare blankets, standing i ...

The Battle for Berlin, Ontario

In August 1914, Berlin, Ontario, settled largely by people of German origin, was a thriving, peaceful city. By the spring of 1915 it was a city torn apart by the tensions of war. By September 1916, Berlin ...

Jews and French Quebecers

By Jacques Langlais & David Rome
Translated by Barbara Young
Subjects: History

Jews and French Quebecers recounts a saga of intense interest for the whole of Canada, let alone societies elsewhere. This work, now translated into English, represents the viewpoints of two friends from ...

The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787

By Geoffrey Adams
Subjects: Religion, History
Series: Editions SR

The decision of Louis XIV to revoke the Edict of Nantes and thus liquidate French Calvinism was well received in the intellectual community which was deeply prejudiced against the Huguenots. This antipathy ...

Ethnic Armies

Ethnic Armies is a combination of essays focused on the subject of polyethnic armed forces from the time of the Habsburgs to the age of the superpowers and is a publication of the proceedings of the thirteenth ...

Tell el-Hesi

Tell el-Hesi, located in southern Israel at the juncture of the Negev Desert and the foothills of the Judean Mountains, provides an excellent opportunity for the archaeological study of the impact of ...

Le messianisme de Louis Riel

By Gilles Martel
Subjects: Religion, History
Series: Editions SR

Le premier mai 1876 Louis Riel écrivait à Mgr Courget: "Le Saint-Espirt m'a dit: Tu es le Messie de Gloire humaine que la Maison de Jacob s'attendait à trouver dans le Verbe incarné".
A la suite de quel ...