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Showing 81-88 of 88 titles.
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The history of Kitchener is unique among cities in southern Ontario. Although Kitchener shares so much of the character of the region today, its past was considerably different. Until 1916, Kitchener ...

The British Diplomatic Service

Previous accounts of the British Foreign Office have left the impression that the diplomatic service was an insignificant appendage of the Foreign Office. Jones's study redresses the balance, demonstrating ...

Mobilization for Total War

The two World Wars placed unprecedented demands on their participants and had a profound impact on many aspects of national life. The mobilization of human and material resources for total war by three ...

Radar Development in Canada

This volume continues the story of teh National Research Council begun by Physics at the National Research Council of Canada (also written by Middleton) and Biological Sciences at the National Research ...

Lorenzo Magalotti at the Court of Charles II

In the late 1660s the English court received a visitor from Florence—Lorenzo Magalotti, an intelligent, sensitive writer and diplomat with a passion for observation and description. Magalotti had come f ...

Politics As Friendship

Hutter's study explores the origins of classical conceptions of politics in the theory and practice of friendship in ancient Greece. It analyzes ancient Greek society as one in which political space was ...

A History of Kitchener, Ontario

William V. Uttley's outline of Kitchener's growth from the 1840's into 20th century [is] shot through with a reassuring consistency and integration of purpose .... The complex of life as we still know ...

Luther and the Radicals

By Harry Loewen
Subjects: Religion, History

Luther and the Radicals, written by a Mennonite scholar, seeks to understand the reasons for the clash between Luther and the Anabaptist radical religious reformists.
In their zeal to tell the true story ...