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Showing 141-150 of 170 titles.
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The Mental Philosophy of John Henry Newman

By Jay Newman
Subjects: Religion

John Henry Newman's writings in theology, apologetics, history, poetry, and educational theory, among other fields, made him one of the most controversial as well as influential modern Christian thinkers. ...

Christ and Modernity

In this re–examination of the roots of the relationship between religion and science, David Hawkin focuses on the concept of autonomy as he explores the question: Is there continuity and compatibility ...

Franz Werfel: The Faith of an Exile

Franz Werfel was born in Prague in 1890 and died in Beverly Hills in 1945, a popular and artistic success in Europe and America. Despite his Jewish birth and upbringing, he was attracted to Christianity ...

L’étude des religions dans les écoles

By Fernand Ouellet
Subjects: Religion
Series: Editions SR

L'étude des religions a-t-elle sa place dans un système scolaire public lorsque la société et l'école sont de plus en plus marquées par le pluralisme idéologique? C'est à cette question que l'ouvrage tente d ...

Studies in the Book of Job

Edited by Walter E. Aufrecht
Subjects: Religion
Series: SR Supplements

The four essays in this volume present an overview of current issues in studies of the book of Job. The opening essay, by Williams, deals with major aspects of Joban research: new commentaries, Near Eastern ...

Averroës’ Doctrine of Immortality

The introduction of Aristotelianism into the West created conflict, disruption, and turmoil. Not least, it confronted the Middle Ages with a serious problem concerning the possible conflict between reason ...

Mythologies and Philosophies of Salvation in the Theistic Traditions of India

Based on exhaustive reference to primary source material, this volume explores the relationships between religious mythologies and religious philosophical system within the theistic traditions in India. ...

Le messianisme de Louis Riel

By Gilles Martel
Subjects: Religion, History
Series: Editions SR

Le premier mai 1876 Louis Riel écrivait à Mgr Courget: "Le Saint-Espirt m'a dit: Tu es le Messie de Gloire humaine que la Maison de Jacob s'attendait à trouver dans le Verbe incarné".

A la suite de quel ...

From Jesus to Paul

Edited by Peter Richardson & John C. Hurd
Subjects: Religion

The essays presented here intend to open afresh the complexity of the question of Paul’s dependence upon and continuity with Jesus. So much attention has been given in the past to this very difficult p ...

The Moral Mystic

Mysticism is condemned as often as it is praised. Much of the condemnation comes from mysticism’s apparent disregard of morality and ethics. For mystics, the experience of “union” transcends all moral conce ...