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Showing 151-160 of 170 titles.
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Paul Cardinal Cullen and the Shaping of Modern Irish Catholicism

By Desmond Bowen
Subjects: Religion

Paul Cullen (1803–78) was the outstanding figure in Irish history between the death of Daniel O’Connell and the rise of Charles Stewart Parnell. Yet this powerful prelate remains an enigmatic figure. Thi ...

Religious Studies in Alberta

This first volume on the “state-of-the-art” in religious studies in Canada offers a description and critique of the field in the colleges, universities, and secondary schools in Alberta. Among the findings: phi ...

The Firm and the Formless

This volume is woven around the idea that wholeness (the firm) and fragmentation (risking formlessness) alternate in human affairs. This theme is applied to the history and the present condition of Australian ...

Book of Gomorrah

Some of the roots of a negative attitude to homosexuality are found in Peter Damian’s appeal to Pope Leo IX. Written 900 years ago by an Italian monk, The Book of Gomorrah asks the Pope to take steps ...

Political Theology in the Canadian Context

Edited by Benjamin G. Smillie
Subjects: Religion
Series: SR Supplements

This collection focusses on the proposition "that theology is at its best when it is political, and politics is saved from a secular ideology when it listens to a theological critique." The editor draws ...

The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature

By Terence Day
Subjects: Religion
Series: Editions SR

Early textual source of the vast body of Dharmasastra literature of India on religion, law, and morality contain numerous statements that present or imply an undefined conception of punishment. Yet nowhere ...

A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics

Gnostic beliefs presented themselves as a major challenge to Irenaeus of Lyons (Against Heresies, ca. A.D. 180), Hippolytus of Rome (the presumed author of the Elenchos Against All Heresies, post-A.D. ...

Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism

Har Dayal's The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature published in 1931 was the first extensive study in English of the Bodhisattva doctrine. Dayal discussed the Bodhisattva doctrine as ...

The European Emblem

By Peter Daly
Subjects: Art, Religion

Emblems—pictorial designs with accompanying mottoes and epigrams— helped to shape virtually every form of verbal and visual communication in the West during the sixteenth and seventh centuries. A recent re- ...

Developments in Buddhist Thought

Edited by Roy C. Amore
Subjects: Religion, Eastern Religions
Series: SR Supplements

Nine Canadian scholars of Buddhism consider philosophical and cultural issues in Buddhist thought. Part I, “On Being,” discusses the philosophical problem of Being in the school of the Middle Way, Mādhyamika Bud ...