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Showing 2111 to 2120 of 2268 results.

Text and Artifact in the Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity

Can archaeological remains be made to “speak” when brought into conjunction with texts? Can written remains, on stone or papyrus, shed light on the parables of Jesus, or on the Jewish view of afterlife? Wha ...

The Religious Dreamworld of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses

Apuleius’ Metamorphoses is probably best known as the literary source for the myth of Eros and Psyche and as a primary source of information about mystery religions in the ancient world.
There is another ...

Towards an Ethics of Community

Edited by James Olthuis
Series: Comparative Ethics

How do we deal with difference personally, interpersonally, nationally? Can we weave a cohesive social fabric in a religiously plural society without suppressing differences?
This collection of significant ...

Television Advertising in Canadian Elections

Can the strategy of negative political advertising developed in the United States succeed in Canada, or does this kind of advertising do more harm than good?
The year 1988 saw elections in both the United ...

The Films of Joyce Wieland

A visionary who consistently explored new styles and approaches in her art and films, Joyce Wieland grappled with nationalism, feminism, environmentalism and spirituality. The Films of Joyce Wieland brings ...

The Ethics of the New Economy

Edited by Leo Groarke

Is restructuring an underhanded way to make the rich richer and the poor poorer? Or is it necessary, although bitter, medicine for an ailing economy?
In The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and ...

The Tramp Room

A young girl falls asleep in the Joseph Schneider Haus and wakes up in the 1850s. At the same time, a tramp boy seeks sanctuary from a cruel master. Caught in the past, the young girl, Elizabeth Salisbury, ...

The Life Writings of Mary Baker McQuesten

Edited by Mary J. Anderson
Series: Life Writing

How did a privileged Victorian matron, newly widowed and newly impoverished, manage to raise and educate her six young children and restore her family to social prominence?
Mary Baker McQuesten’s personal l ...

The Curtain

Henry Schogt met his wife, Corrie, in 1954 in Amsterdam. Each knew the other had grown up in the Netherlands during World War II, but for years they barely spoke of their experiences. This was true for ...

The Water Lily Pond

By Han Z. Li
Series: Life Writing

This evocative narrative draws us into the inner life of a young Chinese peasant girl, May-ping, and her first glimmerings of youthful love and idealism under the Maoist regime in China. As she grows ...