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Search results for “programming reality

Showing 1 to 10 of 127 results.

Programming Reality

Programming Reality: Perspectives on English-Canadian Television, the first anthology dedicated to analyses of Canadian television content, is a collection of original, interdisciplinary articles, combining ...

Big Picture Realities

In the post-NAFTA era, Canada and Mexico face dramatic and irreversible changes from the Bush revolution in foreign public policy, the rising economic power of China and India, new concerns about border ...

Rhetoric and Reality in Early Christianities

One of the most pressing issues for scholars of religion concerns the role of persuasion in early Christianities and other religions in Greco-Roman antiquity. The essays in Rhetoric and Reality in Early ...

Myth and Reality in Irish Literature

Myth and Reality in Irish Literature offers a rich collection of essays covering a wide spectrum of Irish literature from the early medieval saints and scholars to twentieth century writers such as Joyce ...

Exporting Good Governance

Can good governance be exported? International development assistance is more frequently being applied to strengthening governance in developing countries, and in Exporting Good Governance: Temptations ...

Religion in History / La religion dans l’histoire

The history of the concept of “religion” in Western tradition has intrigued scholars for years. This important collection of eighteen essays brings further light to the ongoing debate. Three of the invited par ...

Religious Studies in Ontario

Most Ontario universities were established by Christian denominations; a Christian ethos was assumed and pervasive, and students were required to take courses designed to teach and inculcate religion. ...

The Study of Religion in British Columbia

The Study of Religion in British Columbia is a story of enterprise, innovation and isolation. In this unique survey Brian J. Fraser examines the history and development of the institutions of higher education ...

Les sciences religieuses au Québec depuis 1972

Reliée aux rapides et profondes transformations socio-culturelles de la société québécoise des années soxiante, l'éclatement de l'hégémonie théologique dans le domaine de l'étude de la religion était déjà un fa ...

Religious Studies in Atlantic Canada

What is “Religious Studies” and what is its future in Atlantic Canada? How have universities founded by Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations, and public universities, differed as they approached the ...